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System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - Printable Version

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System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

Quote:Main OpenAuto Pro configuration file.
Any manual change in this config file requires restart of the OpenAuto Pro application.

Most parameters can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.
All parameters that are not present in settings menu (like path to sensor descriptors, type of the screen, and some others) are not intended to change in runtime. Nonetheless, they are described in this document and can still be changed directly in config file.

Location: /home/pi/.openauto/config/openauto_system.ini

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Unit of the temperature visible on TopBar (0 - Celcius, 1 - Fahrenheit).
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Format of the time.
; 0 - 12H; 1 - 24H
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Show/Hide visibility of the TopBar during Android Auto projection. Disable TopBar visibility to make Android Auto projection fullscreen.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Show/Hide visibility of TopBar's temperature indicator.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Show/Hide visibility of TopBar's clock when Mirroring projection is active.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Show/Hide visibility of TopBar's clock when Autobox projection is active.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Show/Hide visibility of TopBar's clock when Android Auto projection is active.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Opacity of the OpenAuto Pro interface controls [percentage].
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Scale of OpenAuto Pro interface font [percentage].
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Language of the OpenAuto Pro interface.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.
; Possible values: Čeština, Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Pусский, Română, Українська, 繁體中文

; Mode of displaying OBD data on the TopBar.
; 0 - None (not visible); 1 - Projection (visible when projection of Android Auto, Mirroring or Autobox is active); 2 - Always (visible)
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Show/Hide visibility of TopBar's clock on OpenAuto Pro UI.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Change style of the menu tiles.
; 0 - Big; 1 - Small; 2 - Circle
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Enable/disable autostart of Android Auto when phone is plugged-in via USB (wired mode) or connected via Bluetooth (wireless mode).
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Type of the touchscreen (0 - Single touch or Mouse, 1 - Multi touch, 2 - None).
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Type of the screen (0 - Normal, 1 - Wide). Change this value to 1 to enable OpenAuto Pro Widescreen mode.
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Width of the widgets space (Phone, Navigation, Music, Gauges) in Widescreen mode.
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Enable/disable downloading of the cover art from Online services.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Show/Hide visibility of the TopBar during Mirroring projection. Disable TopBar visibility to make Mirroring projection fullscreen.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Width of the video that will be streamed by the phone.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Height of the video that will be streamed by the phone.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

Example of aspect ratio calculation:
  • Phone’s screen resolution: 2880x1440 - aspect ratio is 2 (width / height)
  • Raspberry Pi’s screen resolution: 800x480 – aspect ratio is 1.67 (width / height)
  • Desired mirroring resolution: 1280x720 (HD)
  • Calculated resolution: 1280x640 [(1280 / 2880) * 1440]

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Type of the OpenAuto Pro interface day/night controller.
; (0 - TSL2561 sensor, 1 - Clock, 2 - Manual switching, 3 - GPIO).
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Type of the Android Auto interface day/night controller.
; (0 - TSL2561 sensor, 1 - Clock, 2 - Manual switching, 3 - GPIO).
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Time when day theme will be activated.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Time when night theme will be activated.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Threshold after which day mode will be activated [percentage value of the TSL2561 min-max lux scale].
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Path to the TSL2561 sensor descriptor.
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; I2C address of the TSL2561 sensor.
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Minimum range value of the TSL2561 lux scale.
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Maximum range value of the TSL2561 lux scale.
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Theme of the OpenAuto Pro interface (0 - Day, 1 - Night, 2 - None).
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Theme of the Android Auto interface (0 - Day, 1 - Night, 2 - None).
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Number of the GPIO PIN that will trigger switching between day and night themes.
; LOW state of the PIN triggers day theme, HIGH state triggers night theme.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Handedness of traffic relevant for OpenAuto Pro and Android Auto interfaces.
; (0 - Left hand drive, 1 - Right hand drive)
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Enable/disable using of the touchscreen to control Android Auto interface. Disable it to control Android Auto interface only by key strokes.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Path to the descriptor of DS18B20 temperature sensor (e.g. /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-0316700c1cff/w1_slave).
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Number of frames per second for Android Auto projection
; (0 - 30FPS, 1 - 60FPS)
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Resolution of the Android Auto projection
; (0 - 480p, 1 - 720p, 3 - 1080p)
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Screen density. Increase the value to make controls on Android Auto interface bigger. Lower the value to make them smaller.
; Lower values also enable widescreen mode of Android Auto interface. It depends on phone what value will enable it - needs to be figured out (tested) by user.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Width of the Top/Bottom margins of Android Auto projection.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Width of the Left/Right margins of Android Auto projection.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Orientation of the Android Auto/Mirroring projections.
; Possible values are 0, 90, 180, 270.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

RE: System configuration (openauto_system.ini) - BlueWave - 09-21-2020

; Enable/disable streaming the music via Android Auto connection. Disabling that option will route music from Android Auto to the connected A2DP receiver, JACK output or speaker phone.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Enable/disable streaming the speech (Assistant, guidance) via Android Auto connection. Disabling that option will route speech (e.g. navigation guidance, voice command responses) from Android Auto to the connected A2DP receiver, JACK output or speaker phone.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Path to the audio file that will be played right after launch of the OpenAuto Pro.
; Supported formats: wav.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Path to the audio file that will be played after receiving a phone notification (via Connected Pro application).
; Supported formats: wav.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Path to the ringtone audio file.
; Supported formats: wav.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Size of a step that volume level will increase by single adjustment.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Name of the mixer exposed by the sound card to the ALSA. Use it when automatically selected one is not valid (may happen in case of some DACs).
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Name of the mute (using for muting whole audio) mixer exposed by the sound card to the ALSA. Use it when automatically selected one is not valid (may happen in case of some DACs).
; This parameter cannot be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Enable/disable resuming of storage music playback after OpenAuto Pro startup.
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.

; Level of the storage music internal preamp [percentage].
; This parameter can be adjusted in settings menu of OpenAuto Pro application.